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Hello all, I'm still here. Mostly! It’s been a year since my last update, and I’ve been on a wild ride of self-reflection and personal growth. Want the inside scoop? I’ll be dishing out insights, updates, and let you know what’s coming up for the Bound by Pride series. Don’t miss out! I can’t thank you enough for your continued support. Let’s hang out and discover new things together!

Latinas Reign in My New Fantasy Romance Series

Fantasy Romance: Fate of the Wind Novel Snippets

Learning Amazon Ads the Hard Way

Wendy May's Current Novels Progress

Dusk into Light: Tangled in Fate

A Writer's Musing: Character Artwork and Thoughts

Urban Fantasy Short Story Dusk into Light

Character Art: Markus the Shadow Walker

Postponed: Legends From the Castle

Character Visuals and Concepts: Skoll Darkstorm

Today I learned I'm a Paranormal Fantasy Romance Author